Icon Buttons are icons that trigger some sort of action, such as adding an item to the cart.
Import the component from @faststore/ui
import { IconButton } from '@faststore/ui'
Import Styles
import '@faststore/ui/src/components/atoms/Button/styles.scss'
<IconButton icon={<Icon name="ShoppingCart" />} aria-label="Buy" />
Name | Type | Description | Default |
testId | string | ID to find this component in testing tools (e.g.: cypress, testing library, and jest). | fs-icon-button |
icon* | string | number | false | true | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | ReactFragment | ReactPortal | A React component that will be rendered as an icon. | |
aria-label* | string | A Label should be provided. | |
variant | "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | Specifies the component color variant. | |
size | "small" | "regular" | Specifies the size variant. | regular |
inverse | false | true | Defines the use of inverted colors. | |
disabled | false | true | Specifies that this button should be disabled. | |
loading | false | true | Boolean that represents a loading state. | |
loadingLabel | string | Specifies a label for loading state. | |
iconPosition | "left" | "right" | Specifies where the icon should be positioned |
For further customization, you can use the following data attributes:
This component inherits Button CSS selectors and styles.
Best practices
✅ Do's
- Use icon-only buttons only for widespread actions with highly standardized icons, such as a cross for close.
- Use the
attribute to provide a textual alternative for icon-only buttons.
❌ Don'ts
- Don't rely on icons to communicate complex actions.